The University baseball team will battle with a Cuban nine representing the University of Havana on April 19, according to the revised schedule given out last night by Manager Hibbard. The Brown game has been shifted to June 3 because of the Intercollegiates which are to be held in the Stadium on May 31. No game is to be played with the Boston Braves as was previously announced, and the second Pennsylvania game has been cancelled. The final schedule includes 23 contests, two of which will not be played if the University nine succeeds in winning two straight games each from Yale and Princeton.
The revised schedule follows:
April 9.--Bowdoin, at Soldiers Field.
April 12.--Bates, at Soldiers Field.
April 16.--Springfield College, at Soldiers Field.
April 19.--Havana University, at Soldiers Field.
April 23.--Colby, at Soldiers Field.
April 26.--Vermont, at Soldiers Field.
May 1.--Maine, at Soldiers Field.
May 3.--Penn., at Philadelphia.
May 7.--Holy Cross, at Soldiers Field.
May 10.--Dartmouth at Soldiers Field.
May 14.--Williams, at Soldiers Field.
May 17.--Princeton, at Princeton.
May 21.--Amherst, at Soldiers Field.
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