


Princeton last night won the 1922 triangular debating title by defeating the teams of both Yale and the University. The 1922 affirmative which debated with Yale at New Haven was defeated by a 2 to 1 decision.

Speaking in Sanders Theatre last evening, the 1922 negative team opposed Princeton on the question: "Resolved: That the United States should prohibit the immigration of unskilled labor for four years."

Princeton, supporting the affirmative side of the question, based their arguments on the fact that unemployment in this country is already largely due to the men returning from service, and that permitting the immigration of unskilled labor would increase this unemployment, thus causing the lowering of wages and labor unrest.

It was also contended by the affirmative that the class of immigrants that will come to this country if the gates are thrown open will be the Bolshevist class which will make the already complex labor problem more difficult to solve.

Supporting the negative the Freshman team based its main arguments on the facts that complete restriction to foreign labor would be very un-American, and that unskilled labor will soon be in greater demand than could be supplied alone by returning soldiers.


The last point of the negative was made in refutation of the statement that immigration would increase the number of labor agitators and Bolshevists. They maintained that immigration would have the opposite effect, that those inclined toward Bolshevism would remain in the countries where it is now flourishing.

(Special Dispatch to the CRIMSON).

Princeton N. J., March 10.--Princeton Freshman negative debaters by unanimous decision defeated the Yale Freshmen.

(Special Dispatch to the CRIMSON).

New Haven, Conn., March 10,--Yale defeated the Harvard Freshmen in debate by 2 to 1 decision.
