


The eighth annual triangular debate between the Freshmen of Yale, Princeton, and the University will take place tonight at 8 o'clock. The 1922 negative team will oppose Princeton in Sanders Theatre; at the same time the affirmative team will meet Yale at New Haven, while the Yale affirmative will debate with Princeton at Princeton. In each case the negative team remains at home. The college winning both of its debates will be the victor of the triangular contest.

The question for the debate tonight is "Resolved: That the United States should prohibit the immigration of unskilled labor for four years." Tickets at 25 cents each may be obtained at the Cooperative Branch, at Amee's, or at Leavitt & Peirce's during the day.

Merriman Presiding Officer.

Roger B. Merriman '96, Professor in the Department of History, Government, and Economics, will preside at Sanders Theatre, and the judges will be Enoch C. Adams, Principal of Newton High School, Frederick W. Fosdick '01, Assistant District Attorney of Middlesex County, and Clarence C. Smith '11, Recorder of the Massachusetts Land Court. Each speaker will be given 12 minutes for his main speech and five minutes for rebuttal.

The Freshman negative team, which meets Princeton here tonight, speaks in the following order: E. D. Hutchinson, W. B. Leach, Jr., G. P. Bickford, Jr., and S. A. Rosenblatt, alternate. The 1922 team which will oppose Yale is as follows: J. E. Lumbard, Jr., B. J. Jones, R. P. Hoagland, Jr., and alternates R. K. Stretch and D. Hettleman.


After the contest in Sanders Theatre the University debating council will entertain both teams as well as the presiding officer and judges at the Colonial Club.
