

Professor A. B. Hart Will Speak at Meeting in Cambridge; Mayor Peters Presides in Boston.

The entire nation will tomorrow do honor to the memory of Theodore Roosevelt '80. Under the auspices of the American Defense Society, of which Colonel Roosevelt was president, services will be conducted in churches of more than 700 cities of the United States. Four o'clock when the general services will begin.

In Cambridge there will be a meeting of the associated churches at the First Parish Church. Professor Albert Bushnell Hart '80, a classmate of Colonel Roosevelt's will address the gathering. There will be informal observations of the day at the morning services of a number of Cambridge churches.

In Boston there will be a public meeting at Keith's Theatre at 3 o'clock at which Mayor Andrew J. Peters '95 will preside. The Hon. Michael J. Murray will make the address of the afternoon.

There will be no special services at the Appleton Chapel, and, as far as is known, the Harvard Club of New York will be the only strictly University institution to observe "Roosevelt Day." A memorial service will be given in their clubhouse tomorrow afternoon.
