


University and Freshman baseball activities will begin on Monday evening, February 10, at 7.30 o'clock, when candidates for both teams will meet in the Trophy Room of the Union. The meeting will be addressed by Coach Hugh Duffy, who will give a general idea of the work. R. E. Gross '19, W. W. McLeod '19, and L. B. Evans '20, captains of last year's Informals, will also speak. Manager Ford Hibbard '20 will discuss the games which are planned for this year's schedule.

Call Assistant and 1922 Managers.

Freshman baseball manager aspirants will also report at the H. A. A. on Monday, at 1.30 o'clock, when the competition will be outlined. Five positions are open to the Freshman competitors: the managership, assistant managership, and three second assistant managerships.

The competition for second assistant manager of the University team will begin on Monday, February 10, at 6.45 o'clock in Randolph 19, where the competition will be explained. It is open to all members of the Sophomore Class. The successful candidate automatically becomes assistant manager in his Junior year and manager in his Senior year.

Battery Candidates Report Tuesday.


Battery candidates will report to Coach Duffy at the Cage on Tuesday afternoon, February 11. Until the weather permits outdoor practice, work will be concentrated on the development of a strong battery.
