

Are we to have five cent fares again? Are we no longer to stand in line for eight-cent tickets; but once more be able casually to tass our nickels or anything else we happen to have into the collection box? Are we going to be able to go anywhere without being conscious of a brass band in our trouser pockets? If this be so, we are indeed returning to ante-bellum days.

The trustees of the Boston Elevated Railway Company have announced their intention of doing away with odd-cent rates. We knew they couldn't keep it up. The strain of counting the pennies is too much especially now that the war is over.

But they don't intend losing any money on this new plan. No longer will we be able to travel for one fare, from Harvard square to Harvard square via Park street and Massachusetts avenue. The price is to be regulated according to the length of the haul, five cents for a short haul, ten for a long. Let us all hope that our objectives in Boston live not live not more than a nickel distant.
