
No Action by Triangular Council

No definite decisions were reached at the meeting of the chairmen of the Yale, Princeton, and University Athletic Committees in New York on Tuesday. According to Professor R. B. Merriman '96, the University's representative, the meeting was merely an informal conference and discussion of intercollegiate athletic plans.

When interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter yesterday Professor Merriman made the following statement regarding the meeting:

"Dates were considered for the spring intercollegiate contests in the different branches of sport and the question of temporary modification of the eligibility rules on account of war conditions was also taken up. A number of other matters of athletic interest were touched on in the course of the conversation, but as no definite decision was reached on any point there is no further announcement to make.

"No report of this meeting hitherto published has any basis of authority, the three chairmen having agreed that the first information in regard to their conference should be given to the Daily Princetonian, the Yale News and the CRIMSON for simultaneous publication this morning."
