
Musical Clubs Concert in Dedham

The Musical Clubs' first concert of the season will be given at Memorial Hall, Dedham, tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. About seventy-five members of the Instrumental and Glee Clubs will make the trip. The program will be as follows: The Gypsy Prince,  Kiesta (Mandolin Club). Lullaby,  Brahms Drinking Song, (Glee Club). Peter Gink,  Cobb (Banjo Club). Speciality, by R. H. Ware '20. Prayer of Thanksgiving, Netherland,  Folk-Song (Glee Club). Norwegian Slumber Song,  Gilder (Mandolin Club). Specialty by Howard Elliott '22. Medley,  Field (Glee Club). Rockin' the Boat,  Frey (Banjo Club). Fair Harvard,  Gilman (Glee Club).
