

Lieut. C. R. Lincoln, Med. '99-'01.

Lieutenant Clark Richardsen Lincoln, Med. '99-'01, battalion supply officer, 102d M. G. Brig., 26th Div., A. E. F., died of wounds received in the second battle of the Marne, July 24, 1918. As a member of the Massachusetts National Guard, Lincoln became second lieutenant of Co. A, 102d M. G. Brig., in August, 1917. He sailed for St. Nazaire, France on September 23, of the same year. He took part in the battle of Seicheprey and the second battle of the Marne. In April, 1918, he was promoted to first lieutenant.

Lieut. J. C. Tyler, S.B., '17.

Lieutenant John Cowperwaite Tyler, S.B., '17, who has been reported as ***** missing since Sept. 25, 1918, when he took part in an air raid over Germany, died overseas; his grave has recently been identified. Tyler enlisted in the Air Service June, 1917, training first in the Ground School at M. I. T., where he graduated near the top of his class, and later at other schools in France. He was attached for some time to a French escadrille for bombing duty, and then assigned to the command of a United States Squadron. Tyler received his brevet, Dec. 16, 1917, and soon afterward was commissioned a first lieutenant. In July, 1918, he was cited by the French for having "frequently carried out bombing flights over the battle field at low altitudes," and was decorated with the Croix de Guerre by the French Government for bravery in action.
