(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The stimulating communication which appeared in yesterday's paper by Mr. Keizo Matsuno on "The Japanese Student at Harvard" deserves our further attention. Can it be that any thoughtful person who read the article, with its declaration of friendship, failed to feel the deep significance it contained when viewed from the standpoint of international relations?
The Japanese students at Harvard--and the same is true for all our foreign students--have a determining influence upon the attitude of their native country toward America. We have every reason to be grateful for Mr. Matsuno's assurance that "it is the Japanese student educated in the University who will interpret to the Japanese nation the virility of American life and American ideals." The surest road to lasting international friendship is for the future leaders of the great nations to develop an attitude of mutual trust before assuming responsibility for the opinions of their fellow-countrymen. In this way prejudices and barriers may be destroyed before they become heavy with age.
In a real sense the Japanese students in the University--and this consideration also applies to other foreign students--are our guests. They have come long distances to seek our hospitality, to learn our customs and ideals, and to adopt such of them as may be worth while. Sociologists prove to us that peace and prosperous intercourse exist between those nations which are most similar in traditions, ideals, and manners of living. It is, therefore, our duty as hosts of the foreign students, who come to seek and establish common bonds of interest to become aware of our opportunity and welcome them with appreciation for their high purpose.
I cannot help but think that we have been delinquent in our duty so far--not intentionally, but thoughtlessly. Inas-much as our guests, the Japanese students, have taken the initiative and declared for mutual sympathy and understanding, can we do anything less than thank them sincerely for their fine attitude and strive by reciprocal friendliness to prove ourselves worthy of the proud position in which they consider us as Americans? GORDON W. ALLPORT '19.
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