
1922 Wrestlers Lost To M. I. T.

In the second meet of the season Tuesday the 1922 wrestling team suffered defeat at the hands of the M. I. T. freshmen by a score of 9-12. Each team won three matches, but the Freshmen won theirs on decisions, while their opponents won by falls, thus securing the three deciding points. The summary of matches follows:

115-lb. class--H. M. Forbes lost to Barnard of M. I. T. on a fall.

125-lb. class--E. L. Sutcliffe lost to Straus of M. I. T. on a fall.

135-lb. class--G. V. Smith won from Roberson of M. I. T. on decision.

145-lb. class--T. Strong lost to Butler of M. I. T. on a fall.


145-lb. class--T. F. Stearns won from Davidson of M. I. T. on decision.

158-lb. class--E. D. Weatherhead won from Rinehart on M. I. T. on decision.
