

Schedules Ratified for University and Freshman Teams.

In its fourth meet of the season, held yesterday in the Brookline tank, the 1922 swimming team defeated the Brookline High School swimmers by the close score of 28-25. Captain U. A. Ridley and T. F. Baxter were again the mainstays of the Freshmen, each swimming on the winning relay team, and each gaining a first and second place in two of the dashes. The places won by Freshmen follow: 50-yard dash--Captain Ridley, first; T. F. Baxter, second; 100-yard dash--T. F. Baxter, first; Captain Ridley, second; 220-yard dash--E. G. Ratcliff, second; Dive--B. Boyce, third; Plunge--W. Y. Peters.

Schedules for both the University and Freshman swimming teams were approved Tuesday by the Athletic Committee, both teams having three meets in March. The schedules are as follows:

University Swimming.

March 1--Springfield Y. M. C. A., at Boston Y. M. C. A.

March 5--Amherst at Boston Y. M. C. A.


March 15--Brown at Providence.

Freshman Swimming.

March 1--M. I. T. at Boston Y. M. C. A.

March 8--Yale at New Haven.

March 13--English High at Curtis Hall.
