
Make-up Examinations Will be Held in All Courses Next Week

Make-up examinations in the following courses will be held in Sever 5 at 3.30 o'clock.

Monday, Feb, 24--Astronomy 2N, Business 1, Chemistry 2, English 28, History 30b, Hygiene 3, Mathematics E, Psychology A.

Wednesday, Feb. 26--Chemistry 22, Economics 1a, Engineering Sciences 6b, English A, Military Geology 2.

Friday, Feb. 28--Astronomy 1, Chemistry A, Engineering Sciences 4a, English 64, French 3, German F, Zoology 1.

Monday, March 3--Engineering Sciences 2 (see Professor Kennedy), English 41, French 4, German A, Government 4, Physics B.


Wednesday, March 5--Engineering Sciences 5a (see Professor L. J. Johnson), Mathematics II, Problems and Issues of the War (two hours).

Friday, March 7--French 7, Mathematics 1, Philosophy C.

A fee of one dollar must be paid at the Bursar's Office for each make-up examination except "Problems and Issues of the War," the fee for which is two dollars.
