

The recommendation of the Student Council regarding the nomination of officers for the Sophomore and Junior Classes will prevent, if adopted, a repetition of the negligence which marked those elections this year. It is based upon a recognition of the undergraduate's procrastination. There must be some leader to mark the pace. The ineligibility of the former officers made them impartial nominators while their wide acquaintance tends to create confidence in their choice. It would give a candidate too great an advantage if but one were proposed, while if the former officers named three, the class would be robbed of a stimulus for nominating men by petition since three candidates are the required number for each office. Thus two seems to be the proper number for the initial selection. A move will be made in time to allow the members of the class to draw up any number of petitions.

In case this stimulus produces no reaction, the class is in no position to object to the candidates the former officers may nominate. At least the proposed system will give the class an opportunity to investigate the qualifications of its future leaders and to substitute others if desired. The classes will soon be given an opportunity to act upon the Student Council's recommendation and the CRIMSON confidently trusts that it will be accepted.
