


Applications from members of the Class of 1920 for rooms in the Senior Dormitories will be accepted by the Senior Dormitory Committee from March 3 to March 14, after which the drawing of lots for assignments of rooms will take place. On every afternoon between March 3 and 14 a member of the committee will be in Randolph 54 from 4 to 6 o'clock to receive applications.

The Senior Dormitory Committee wishes to impress upon the Junior Class the fact that President Lowell is exceedingly desirous that the custom of Seniors living in the Yard be continued. It has been advised that the men should form in groups the largest of which may contain 12 men, with not more than two men in each room; for the larger groups are given preference in the allotment.

Every Junior whether he intends to return to College next year or not should file his application for rooms in the Senior Dormitories so that in any eventuality he may have accommodations.

The Senior Dormitory Committee was selected last night and consists of the following members: Edmund William Pavenstedt, of New York, N. Y., chairman; Ludlow Thomas Lanman, of Lawrence, L. L. N. Y.; James Brown Mabon, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Lloyd Bowen Sanderson, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; John Varnum Spalding, of Newton Centre; Paul Eve Stevenson, of Brookline; Joseph Stubbs, of Newton; Henry De Courcy Ward, of Cambridge; Fifield Workum, of New York, N. Y.
