


At a meeting of the Student Council in the Union yesterday afternoon two amendments to the constitutions of the three upper classes were recommended. The first was that the name of the Photograph Committee be changed to the Senior Album Committee. This amendment involves a change in Article III, section 8, of the Senior Class Constitution.

It was further recommended that the system of nomination as provided for in Sections 5 and 6, of Article III, of the Constitution of the Three Lower Classes be amended. At present the constitution states that "In the Sophomore and Junior years all nominations for Class Officers shall be made by petition . . . ." and that "the Class Officers shall make nominations for offices, provided that no petitions for those offices are received."

As amended the constitution will read that two nominations for each office will first be made by the class officers. The list may then be added to by petitions signed by thirty-five members of the class. At least three candidates must be on the ballot for each office. If no petitions are received the class officers shall make the necessary additional nominations.

In order that the Student Council recommendations shall take effect, they must be ratified by each class, due opportunity for which will be given.

The recent appointments of the Freshman hockey manager and assistant managers were ratified as was the award of "H's" to members of the hockey team who played against Yale last Saturday.


G. C. Barclay '19 who was appointed chairman of the Religious Activities Committee has announced the following additional members: C. F. Batchelder, Jr., '20, A. H. Bright '19, H. F. Colt '22, H. Elliott, Jr., '22, and J. S. Higgins '20. The first meeting of the committee will be held in the CRIMSON Building at 1 o'clock today.
