

Held a Commission in Aviation and Was Stationed at Fort Worth.

Coach Eddie Farrell, who assisted Coach Donovan last year in training the Freshman and University track teams, has been engaged again. He will return to take up his duties on March 1, and will help Coach Donovan especially in coaching men for the long distance and field events.

Coach Farrell came to the University a year ago last fall from Wakefield High School, where he was in charge of track athletics. He first took charge of the Freshman and University cross-country men, and, under adverse conditions due to lack of material, he produced a group of Freshman harriers that easily won form Yale 1921. He remained through the spring season and helped in the field events, as he will do this year.

Farrell has just returned from Fort Worth, Texas, where he was commissioned in the Aviation Service, being one of that group of college trainers who entered the aviation service for the purpose of keeping the flyers in condition.


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