

The heat of battle Invariably produces a certain number of men who distinguish themselves by heroic service. The world has learned to expect such results from soldiers, and therefore it reads of the frequent awards for valor to them without surprise. The rarity with, which civiliane. receive such honors however, causes a much deeper impression upon the mind when these events do occur. Hence, America will pause longer and more approvingly than usual over the news that Frank Herbert Simonds '00, was decorated a knight of the Legion of Honor in Paris on Saturday.

The great honor which has come to Mr. Simonds is ample proof that a great cause can be served behind the firing line as well as on it. Although he has written chiefly through The Times and The Tribune, of New York, there is scarcely a paper throughout the country which has not given space to his analytical and farsighted articles upon the war. As befitting the distinguished reward that has come to him, his prolific writings have done much to clarify the mind of America upon the justice of the cause which was demanding more and more sacrifice from us. Priceless as is the honor accorded, such a service is eminently worthy of the high reward that it has brought to Mr. Simonds.
