(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The Executive Committee of the Advisory Committee under the Club Agreement has received information to the effect that there has been some canvassing of Freshmen this year. Possibly this has taken place under the impression that such canvassing is permissible on the theory that the men approached are not to be considered Freshmen for the purposes of the Agreement.
Attention is called to the fact that under the Agreement men enrolled as Freshmen for the first time are Freshmen unless and until given a different status by the Executive Committee. Until they are given such different status the prohibition of the Agreement covers canvassing as well as electing or pledging. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, THOMAS NELSON PERKINS, Chairman.
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