

Senior Class at Material School Will Graduate on February 20.

Graduation exercises for the Senior Class of the Officers' Material School at the University will take place at Sanders Theatre on Thursday, February 20, at 3 o'clock. Approximately 125 cadets, including a large number of former members of the University, will receive their commissions as ensigns at that time. It is possible that a number of these men will be assigned immediately to active sea duty.

Because of his trip on behalf of the League of Nations President Lowell will not address the class. Instead, the exercises will include speeches by Captain P. W. Hourigan, U. S. N., commandant of the School, and Rear-Admiral Spencer S. Wood, U. S. N., The Radio School Band will furnish music.

When the present Senior Class at the Material School is graduated, there will still remain 135 cadets who will receive their commissions on or about April 18. Soon after that date the School will permanently close, and the buildings which it now occupies will be returned to the University by the Government.
