All members of the class of 1920 who plan to attend the Junior Dance on March 3 must turn in their blanks by 8 o'clock this evening to T. H. Gammack '20, at 60 Mt. Auburn street or at the CRIMSON Building. Those who have been connected with the class at any time are eligible to attend. Extra blanks may be secured at the CRIMSON Building. Tickets costing three dollars per person will be sent each applicant. Checks should be made out to the "1920 Dance Committee."
Thursday, Feb. 20 is the last day upon which box applications for the dance will be received. By that date the members of the class should have formed in boxes and appointed chairmen. The latter must apply to W. J. Louderback '20, at 60 Mt. Auburn street, for box space, submitting at the same time the names of the couples who will form the groups. Each box will hold from six to twelve couples.
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