


Fifteen Seniors and eight Juniors have been elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. In pre-war years it has been the custom to elect 22 Seniors in addition to the Junior eight in November, but this year, owing to the conditions arising from the military regime at the College, the first election was postponed until February. Because several men who were in line for election have not yet returned to College, the number of Seniors elected has been reduced from the customary 22. Men whose names are not upon the present list because they do not hold a degree or are not registered in the University this term will be considered when they return to College or have been awarded an Hororis Cause Degree.

Scholarly achievement and promise formed the basis for election, and a conscientious attempt has been made to do justice to every eligible man. In determining the elections scholarship grades alone have not been the ultimate ground for decision, but the difficulty of the courses taken has been given due consideration. Intellectual achievement in extra curriculum pursuits has been considered in the decisions, although these activities were in no way regarded as making up for marked deficiencies in scholastic ratings.

The names of the new members are arranged below alphabetically and not in the order of election:


Gordon Willard Allport, of Cleveland, O.; Herman Caplan, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Robert Pierce Casey, of Dorchester; Albert Francis Cummings; of Dorchester; Harry Hyman Fein, of Dorchester; Carleton Perry Fuller, of Mansfield, Mass.; Edward Randolph Gay, of Cam- bridge; Thomas Harold Greene, of Dorchester; Richard M. Gudeman, of Chicago, Ill.; Martin Luther Hope, of Colorado Springs, Col.; Norman McKee Lang, of Oakland, Cal.; John Thomas Noonan, of Great Barrington, Mass.; Francis Parkman, of Boston; Earl Bryan Schwulst, of Farmersville, Tex.; Saul Yesner, of Dorchester.


The "Junior Eight."

Gerald Ruggles Barrett, of Somerville; Harris Berlack, of Jacksonville, Fla.; Frederick Mason Carey, of Somerville; Robert Ephraim Eckstein, of West Norwood, N. J.; Charles Clifton Fitchtner, of Burlington, la.; Arthur Williams Marget, of Roxbury; Samuel Moses Pollack, of Boston; David Vernon Widder, of Harrisburg, Pa.

Marshals Chosen.

In addition to the elections to membership in the Society, the marshals for Phi Beta Kappa Day were chosen from the "Junior Eight" of last year:

First Marshal, Henry Alpern, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Second Marshal, Crane Brinton, of Springfield, Mass
