Baseball activities begin today with the first call for candidates for the University and Freshman teams and for the managerships. A meeting of all players will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock. R. E. Gross '19, L. B. Evans '20, and W. W. McLeod '19, will address the meeting. Coach Duffy will outline the coming season and give a general idea of the work, and Manager Ford Hibbard '20 will discuss the games which are on this year's schedule.
The competition for the Freshman baseball managership and assistant managerships will also begin today. All men entering this competition will report at the H. A. A. at 1.30 o'clock where the work will be briefly outlined and started at once. A manager, assistant manager, and three second assistant managers will be chosen for the Freshman team. Aspirants for second assistant manager of the University nine will also begin their competition today. The assistant managership is open to all members of the Sophomore Class and the successful candidate becomes assistant manager in his junior year and in his Senior year manager the University team. Competitors for the second assistant manager of the University team will report to Manager Ford Hibbard '20 in Randolph 19 this evening at 6.45 o'clock.
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Final Trials for Freshman Debating Team To-morrow