
What Goes on Today

8.45 A. M.--Morning Prayers in Appleton Chapel, conducted by the Reverend P. R. Frothingham.

4.30 P. M.--Lecture on "Indian Art and Sculpture" VI. "Buddhist Sculpture," by Dr. Coomaraswamy, Lecture Room of Fogg Museum.

4.30 P. M.--University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.

4.55 P. M.--Harvard Zoological Club meeting in Room 46 of Zoological Museum. Dr. Field of Brown University will speak on "Submarine Study of Coral Reefs."

9.00 P. M.--Meeting of Harvard Club of Boston to act on resolution concerning Major H. L. Higginson.


9.00 P. M.--Actors' Ball in Cambridge Armory for the benefit of Actore' Fund.
