Tonight the University Aero Club will attend the meeting of the Aero Club of Massachusetts in the Auditorium of the Boston City Club at 7.30 o'clock to lay before that body its plans for the intercollegiate air race and air league. L. E. Thomas '20, chairman of the committee on the details of the air race, will present an outline of the activities of the University club for the coming season.
This will mark the first time that air racing in the colleges has been officially recognized, and if the sanction of the Massachusetts Club can be gained for the plan, its chances for success will be materially improved. The University organization hopes to induce the state club to open the matter to general discussion at the meeting, and if this is done there should be many valuable expressions of opinion from the members, all of whom have had flying experience of one kind or another.
There will be a number of prominent speakers at this meeting, headed by L. L. Driggs, President of the national organization to promote flying. Mr. Driggs who is an authority on aeronautical subjects and who has studied the situation from every angle, will discuss both the national and international developments of aviation at the present time. Colonel L. H. Drennan, Air Service Officer for New England, will also speak.
May Have Municipal Airdrome.
That there is a possibility of the establishment of a municipal airdrome in Boston was disclosed in the invitation sent to the University Club. Members of the state society will this week participate in a conference with Mayor Peters and Aerial Mail officials from Washington as to the desirability of having such an airdrome in or about Boston.
The Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Society will outline their plans for the coming season, which, is it expected, will be much more comprehensive than those of past years. Interest in aviation has been growing in Massachusetts, and the club expects to carry on a series of trials and experiments throughout the year to determine the worth of the different types of airplanes and to develop new features.
The Harvard Aero Club will hold its first formal banquet of the Year in Boston during the second week in January. Arrangements are now being made to have several men of great aeronautical prominence address this gathering, but no definite plans have yet been formulated.
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