At a meeting of the Athletic Committee held yesterday, it was voted to accept the invitation to send the football team to Pasadena, with the proviso that if the Railroad Administration should hereafter establish any regulation or make any request that such trips should not be made in view of the fuel shortage, the trip would be cancelled.
This proviso was inserted in the vote because the committee felt that there was a possibility that the plans of the football team might run counter to the wishes of the Government in the present critical fuel situation, and that this possibility ought to be guarded against. A telegram advising them of the action taken was sent the California alumni last night by Dean Briggs and Major F. W. Moore.
This plan to send the team to the Pacific Coast was brought to the attention of the Athletic Committee a few days ago by a telegram from W. C. Whitmer '12, Secretary of the Harvard Club of Southern California. Mr. Whitmer told of the strong feeling in the west in favor of having the University football team play one of the best coast teams at the annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses on New Year's day. He urged the value of the game in the favorable impression it would make on the alumni of the coast, and cited the cases of the western trips of Brown and Pennsylvania.
The number of players who will make the trip has not yet been determined, but this question will be decided within a few days. The squad will leave for the west immediately at the beginning of the Christmas recess and will have a week in which to train for the game under Californian conditions. The trip is made possible because of the lengthening of the vacation period to 15 days. Therefore, if the team leaves for home immediately after the game, no more than a one or two-day extension of the recess at the most will be needed.
The members of the football team have almost unanimously expressed themselves in favor of making the trip, both from personal reasons and on account of the great increase of interest in the University and in the Endowment Fund Drive it would cause.
According to the trainers, no difficulty will be experienced in getting the men back into condition, in spite of the fact that they have broken training. Two weeks' practice, they say, will be sufficient to get each man into as good physical shape as when the season closed. The long trip on the train will not seriously affect the team, as they will have plenty of opportunity to limber up before the game.
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