Candidates for the Freshman wrestling team who reported to Coach Anderson for the first practice of the year yesterday numbered over 40, many of them being men who had chosen crew or football during the fall. This large squad, though probably greater than in former years, due to the Compulsory Athletics for Freshmen ruling, offers a splendid opportunity for the management to run off a Freshman novice tournament, open to all men from 1923. This, if run, will probably start at the same time as the University Novice Tournament in the week previous to the Christmas vacation.
For the University team, also, ten additional men reported, among them C. C. Macomber '22, of the University football team this year, and three members of last year's Freshman team--L. D. Baker '22, G. V. Smith '22, and J. F. Stearns '22, all of whom made the trip to New Haven last spring. Stanley Burnham Occ., an "H. W. T." man of the 1916 team, has been turning out regularly for a work out on the mats.
More candidates for the 1923 managership are wanted and may report at practice tomorrow.
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