

Boston Newspaper Gives Berths to Casey and Clark on Honorary Team.

In the first All-American team to be selected this year, the Boston Post places two representatives of the University in the line-up, E. L. Casey Occ. as left halfback and C. A. Clark Occ. as left guard. Yale is represented but once, with the placing of Callahan at centre.

The team is made up of the following men: l.e., Higgins, Penn State; l.t., West, Colgate; l.g., Clark, Harvard; c., Callahan, Yale; r.g., Youngstrom, Dartmouth; r.t., Bigler, Princeton; r.e., Miller, Pennsylvania; q.b., Strubing, Princeton; l.h.b., Casey, Harvard; r.h.b., M'Millin, Centre; f.b., Gillo, Colgate.

In its comment on the selection of Casey the Post considers that he should be nearly unanimously chosen for a backfield position on the team. Continuing on this theme, the Post says: "Under the hottest kind of fire Casey broke through for Harvard and performed his appointed task. It was the mighty Eddie Casey who saved the Crimson from defeat. He is one man whose fame will outlast the fame of other 1919 All-American selections."

As to the choice of Clark, the Post comments as follows: "He has been a sturdy figure in a none too strong Crimson line all season. There are few special bits of brilliancy to be conjured up in favor of Clark, but throughout the season he has played a steady and remarkable game--a game that ranks him with Pennock, who was Harvard's best guard in latter day football.
