

Regular Practice in All Events to Open Immediately After Xmas Recess.

Regular winter practice for the track men will start on January 5, immediately after the vacation. During the month of practice there will be weekly competitions in the various field events, and at present it is proposed to give a cup at the end of the month's work to the men in each event showing the greatest improvement.

The sprinters will take their practice on the outdoor board track with the distance and relay men, while the candidates for the field events will work out in the baseball cage. Men are needed particularly for the pole-vault, broad and high jumps, and in the weight events there is an unusually small amount of material.

For the Freshman squad, the principal lack of men is in the shot-put and hammer-throw. However, there is plenty of opportunity for all men on the yearling squad, and the management expects a large number of candidates to report for the first call on the fifth. This track work will fill the requirements for Freshman athletics.
