


"America is morally bound for its own interests and for the interests of the world to take a mandate over Turkey," said Dr. George H. Washburn M.D. '86 in an interview yesterday. Dr. Washburn has been for many years very closely in touch with Turkish affairs and, through his connection with Roberts College in Constantinople, is one of the few men in this country qualified to speak with authority on the present situation of Turkey. In his official connection with the Red Cross Relief Expedition to Turrey, Dr. Washburn has only recently returned from his extensive investigation of that country.

"Few people in America," says Dr. Washburn, "realize the conditions that exist today in Turkey. The much talked of German influence has disappeared completely--on my last trip through Turkey I did not see a single German nor was there a single German store or bank open for business. From the Turkish Army, what there is left of it, all Prussian Officers have been driven away or save retired to Germany to save themselves from disgrace.

Now Paris to Bagded R. R.

"German influence has disappeared as mysteriously as have the other elements,--the vaunted German control of the Sultan is entirely a thing of the past. The Berlin to Bagdad railway still exists but its terminal has changed now from Berlin to Paris. Turkey has been left helpless and adrift, and no country is willing to assume the responsibility of guiding the Turks to a haven of peace and industry, despite the fact that Turkey is as rich in resources as any part of the world.

"Although the Turks have always been reputed to be the most cruel and barbaous of the nations, I cannot believe that the people of Turkey are any more cruel than those of other countries. The leaders, the rulers, it is true, have been barbarous in the extreme but the people are hated their enforced treachery as such as have the subject nations who save suffered from it. The massacres in Armenia were not caused by the blood thirstiness of the population but by the fact that the rulers ordered massacres and had to be obeyed. There has never been mob rule in Turkey--the civil population has always been only too willing to follow the man with authority.


Turks Would Support U. S. Mandate.

"It is for this reason that an American mandate in Turkey would have little difficulty in winning the support of a great part of the Turkish population. They are sick of the endless bickerings and disputes that have been carried on among the rulers, sick of endless revolutions and counter revolutions. If America can bring peace, as she can, then the Turkish people will gladly accept any rule that we impose upon them.

"There is no danger of America's becoming involved in the Balkan troubles as Turkey in Europe is now so small as to occasion no disputes. All the European nations, the Great Powers included, are in favor of an American mandate and would take it themselves were they not already exhausted. Bulgaria, who in the past has been Turkey's strongest enemy, is particularly friendly to the United States as is evidenced by her refusal to declare war on us at the time of our entry, despite Germany's continued protests that she should.

Plague Spot a Universal Menace.

"Turkey has always been the plague spot of the world--in the last hundred years more germs of war and dissension have been bred in Turkey than anywhere else in the world. I know that other wars and greater wars are breeding in Turkey now and unless the United States takes hold immediately it will mean that we will once more have to throw our full armed forces into Europe to stop the conflicts that will certainly arise.

"It will cost America far more to neglect Turkey than to take the chance that is now offered to clean up the worst of the world's trouble breeders. We would need but few troops to quiet any disorder that might arise and the expense involved in the undertaking would be well repaid by the restoration of order, and by the profits that would accrue to American industry through the development of Turkey's resources.

"The time is ripe today for America to take her part in the world as a power and as a deciding factor. In no better way can she do this than to assume a mandate over Turkey, to bring order from chaos, and to develop the rich lands that lie practically untouched in Asia Minor."
