

Problems of Colleges in Great Cities to be Discussed at Convention This Week-End.

Today the University will have as its guest the American Association of Urban Universities which is holding its annual meeting over this week-end. Harvard has for many years been a member of the Association and has annually sent delegates to the meetings but this marks the first time that the Association has ever met in Cambridge.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss various aspects of education in general and in particular to arrive at a solution of some of the problems which confront the urban universities alone. A number of men, prominent in education, and in the field of politics will be present at the meeting to speak on those subjects with which they are most closely connected.

The Association of Urban Universities is composed of the majority of city colleges and universities in the East and was formed originally to promote better feeling and more cordial relations between these educational institutions. The officers of the Association at present are President L. H. Murlin of Boston University, who is President, and the Secretary Treasurer, Frederick B. Robinson of the College of the City of New York.

Calvin Coolidge Among Speakers.

The first meeting comes this morning in the Faculty Room, University Hall, at 10 o'clock when the session will open with President Murlin's address on "Some Educational Problems and Programs peculiar to Urban Universities." Following Mr. Murlin, Governor Calvin Coolidge will talk of the part that the universities have played in Public Administration. Addresses by Mayor Peters and two educational experts, S. P. Duggan and C. L. Swiggert will end the session.


The Association will lunch today in the Union as the guests of the University, where they will be greeted by President Lowell, President Cousens of Tufts, Father Lyons of Boston College, and H. P. Talbot, representing President McLauren of M. I. T. At 2.30 o'clock this afternoon the members of the Association will again meet in the Faculty Room to hear another series of speakers on a wide variety of subjects.

Tonight for dinner the Association will be the guests of the City Club, where all members of the alumni of the institutions represented are invited to be present. President Meiklejohn of Amherst and Professor Dallas Lore Sharp of Boston University will be the chief speakers of the evening.
