

Numeral Winners on 1923 Eleven Number 25--Soccer Insignia Granted.

Twenty-one men on the University eleven have been awarded their football "H's" by a recent action of the Athletic Committee, as follows: S. Burnham Occ., E. L. Casey Occ., C. A. Clark Occ, J. K. Desmond Occ., W. B. Felton Occ., M. Gratwick '22, C. F. Havemeyer '21, A. Horween '20, R. Horween Occ., W. D. Hubbard '22, R. S. Humphrey '21, R. K. Kane '22, W. J. Murray Occ., N. V. Nelson Occ., P. J. Philbin Occ., M. Phinney Occ., J. F. Ryan Occ., R. M. Sedgwick '21, P. D. Steele '20, T. S. Woods '20, and W. P. Belknap, Jr., '20, manager.

The class numerals were also awarded to the following members of the 1923 football team: G. H. Browne, C. C. Buell, W. H. Churchill, V. Chapin, H. W. Clark, B. S. Cogan, J. N. Cooper, C. K. Cummings, L. De Jonge, J. H. Dempsey, F. Fiske, J. M. Hartley, A. F. Ladd, C. C. Lee, G. Owen, L. W. Post, F. Rouillard, E. G. Selden, M. W. Self, W. K. Shaw, D. F. Thayer, P. E. Wilson, W. B. Wood, R. Worthington, and B. D. Nash, manager.

The award of "H 2nds" to the second University Football Team has been referred to the Student Council.

Of the University soccer squad fourteen were awarded the usual insignia as follows: G. Carpenter '21, P. K. Fisher '20, J. Glaser '20, M. Heard '20, R. E. Henderson '21, V. B. Kellett Occ., V. E. Macy '20, C. Masters '21, A. Schmid '21, C. P. Smith '21, J. M. Phillips '22, G. Tilton '20, S. Washburn '20, and F. Hibbard '20, manager.
