Donald B. MacMillan will speak at the Union on January 7 at 8 o'clock. Mr. MacMillan, who will be introduced by Professor W. W. Atwood of the Geological Department, will speak on "Five Years with the Polar Eskimos," and will illustrate his lecture with 140 photographic slides of his Arctic Journeys.
Mr. MacMillan has for over 10 years been taking Arctic travels. In 1908-09 he was Commander Peary's assistant on his successful trip to the North Pole. During the following three years he cruised along the Labrador coast especially for an ethnological study of the Eskimos and Indians living there. He was in command of the Crocker Land expedition to the Polar Regions which took place from 1913-17. In all his travels he has covered 10,000 miles with dog team in company with Polar Eskimos. Mr. MacMillan will also be in command of the Bowdoin-Baffin Land Expedition which will take place next year.
Mr. MacMillan was born in Province-town in 1874, and attended Bowdoin College, from where he received his A. B. degree in 1898. For several years he was a school teacher, being principal of the Levi Hall High School of North Gorham, Me., from 1898-1900. He was head of the Classical Department of the Swarthmore Preparatory School from 1900 to 1903 and an instructor at Worcester Academy from 1903 to 1908. During the years of 1910-11 and 1912-13 he studied in the Graduate Schools of the University.
Members of the Union only will be admitted to the meeting on January 7 and must show their membership cards to gain admittance.
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