

J. F. Brown to Replace Veteran Guard On Account of Latter's Injury.

C. A. Clark, Jr., Occ., third All-American guard, will be unable to accompany the football team on its Western trip. This decision is due to the fact that he has an injured back, which if struck on the right place would cause paralysis, and which he is not willing to risk in this game. All the regular season he played, contrary to his doctor's advice. J. F. Brown '22 will probably fill his position against Oregon.

"Eddie" Mahan '16 aided Coaches Fisher and Parmenter in putting the squad through a hard drill yesterday. A short talk by Fisher was followed by punting practice, in which Humphrey, Church, Felton, and R. Horween kicked long spirals to Murray, Gratwick, Casey, Hamilton, and the other backs.

Next the team retired to the Cage, where the backs threw the ball around, while the two lines opposed each other in "breaking through" practice. Then the whole squad ran onto the field and was given a long signal drill.
