

Professor Lanman Delivers Address on Noted Philologist at 8.

Charles R. Lanman, Professor of Sanskrit, Editor of the Harvard Oriental Series and Curator of Indio Manuscripts, will deliver a memorial address on "William Dwight Whitney (1827-1894): His Character and Services," in Emerson Hall, Room D, at 8 o'clock tonight. This address, which will be open to the public, is a repetition of the address delivered in December, 1894, at Philadelphia, before the First American Congress of Philologists, assembled to commemorate the public services of the most eminent American philologist of the 19th century.

Professor Whitney was for forty years a Professor of Sanskrit at Yale, during which time he did a great deal to further the prestige of that university. He was the author of a great many books on philology, besides works in his particular field of Sanskrit, he composed French and German grammars and translated several foreign books, among them being Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell." He had the general supervision of the publication of the "Century International Dictionary" and was the author of numerous writings on word derivations.
