
Absolute Faith.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Why the great prevalence in your paper lately of semi coercive articles aimed at the Government of the United States? It would seem that the University was entirely made up of men who considered that they were capable of running this country. The cry is "Peace, Peace." How many men that are today raising that foolish cry were eighteen months ago on their way to Chateau Thierry? Count 'em yourself.

To these friends of an immediate peace the desirability of that peace is evidently of no account. They do not seem to consider the possibility that the United States must protect herself as energetically now as during the war, or go down in the coming struggle of nations. They do not seem to consider that, perhaps, Congress knows a little more about conditions of things than they do.

It might be a good idea if this University, instead of putting out a petition for immediate peace regardless of the consequences, should put out a petition stating our absolute faith in the Government of the United States of America. How many of our "Peaceful" friends ever heard the statement of Stephen Deca-tour?

"My country, may she always, in her intercourse with foreign nations, be in the right. But my country, right or wrong!"


Let us see the CRIMSON be fair to both sides even when she may herself, take sides. GORDON THAYER LIPPTTT '23.
