Entries for the Freshman Wrestling Tournament to be held next week will close Saturday at 1.30 according to word received from the management last night. The preliminary bouts of the tournament will be held Monday afternoon in the wrestling room of the Hemenway Gymnasium. A large number of men have signified their intention of entering the tournament, and it is expected that this innovation will prove very popular.
The rules under which the tournaments will be conducted are similar to those adopted by the A. A. U. for catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Under these rules a fall will terminate each bout. In no case will the duration of preliminary bouts exceed five minutes. The final bouts will last ten minutes unless terminated sooner by a fall. Any hold is allowed except the hammerlock, strangle, full Nelson, and toe hold. There will be seven classes in which the men will wrestle: 115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175 pounds, and over 181 pounds. Entrants will weigh in on the day of their match, and must be within the allowance for overweight, which is six pounds.
Coach Sam Anderson is giving assistance daily to many men who intend to enter the tournament, and it is hoped that everyone interested will get at least one day's practice with him before Monday. The Department of Physical Training has announced that all men for whom physical training is prescribed will be allowed to substitute wrestling for their regular physical training section work during the time of the tournament, and men who desire to do this should report to Weld 3 at once.
Silver medals suitably engraved will be awarded the winner in each class. Blue-books for signing up have been placed in the Common Rooms of Smith, Standish and Gore Halls, at Leavitt and Peirce's, and in the front office of the Hemenway Gym. Further information may be obtained from one of the assistant managers at the wrestling room in the Gym from 2 to 6 P. M. every day.
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