Great opportunities are open to any graduates in the University who are ready to answer the calls for teachers in the Near and Far East, which are being received by the Harvard Appointment Office. Positions are open in China, Japan, and in Roberts College, Constantinople. Men capable of teaching science, mathematics, and French are especially in demand although teachers of other subjects might be considered.
Besides the positions offered in the East, calls have come in from preparatory schools in many states of this country, including California, Connecticut, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, and New York, while opportunities in colleges in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Texas are also open. In all of these, men to teach science, mathematics, English and Latin are in particular demand.
It is the positions offered in the Eastern countries, however, in which the teacher satisfies the greatest need. For years the institutions of learning in the Far East have lacked capable men to teach the more modern subjects with the result that an almost indefinite number of positions in such schools are open to them. Moreover there is special inducement to take one of such positions because in almost every case the teacher is provided with traveling expenses during the summer during which he is at liberty to study the customs and character of the people with whom he is working. Most of the calls received are for men who will start this summer and will remain at least two or three years, but as in those years all the summers are free to study and travel the opportunity is unusual in its possibility.
Prep. School Positions at Mid-Years.
The positions in the preparatory schools in this country are mainly to be filled at mid-years to last on through the spring term. In the East almost all commence at the end of this college year--to continue for two or three years. In the case of men who stay that length of time the expenses of travel to and from the school will probably be paid, but if a man should only stay one year only his expenses in reaching the school will be paid. Further information may be obtained from the Harvard Appointment Office at 11 University Hall, preferably between the hours of 10 and 12 in the morning.
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