
What Goes on Today

8 A. M. 6 P. M.--Senior elections.

8.45 A. M.--Morning Prayers in Appleton Chapel, conducted by the Reverend F. M. Eliot.

12.45 P. M.--Dr. John M. Brewer and Mr. Anthony Skelding address Harvard Liberal Club at Crawford House.

4-6.30 P. M. --Tea dance in Union.

4.30 P. M. -- Sever Mathematics Club meets in Fay House, Radcliffe. C. A. Rupp will speak.


7 P. M.--CRIMSON business candidates report.

7.30 P. M.--President Eliot speaks on "Labor Situation" before Graduates Schools Society in Phillips Brooks House.

7.30 P. M.--Wilfred R. Humphries speaks on Russia in Emerson D.

8 P. M.--Second performance of "Erasmus Montanus" and "Fame and the Poet" at Pi Eta Theatre.
