
Conduct Sample Ballot in Order to Demonstrate Voting Machine

For the benefit of many men in Government courses who have asked concerning the operation of the voting machine, as well as any others interested, Professor W. B. Munro has arranged for a demonstration of the American Voting Machine in the Municipal Library, Room O, on the top floor of Widener this afternoon.

An expert demonstrator will be in charge to explain the workings of the machine. In order more fully to illustrate its operation four questions have been selected to be voted on: 1, Should the Covenant of the League of Nations be adopted by the United States? 2, Should the United States adopt some plan of Universal Military Training? 3, A straw vote on presidential candidates for 1920. 4, Selection of an All-American baseball nine from the two leading teams of the major leagues.

All members of the University are invited to attend the demonstration and to vote. In order that the men most interested may be assured an opportunity to vote the following schedule of voting hours has been arranged:

For members of Government 1, 3, 17--9.30 A. M. to 1 P. M.

For all other members of the University--2 P. M. to 4.30 P. M.


For members of Government 20A.--4.30-5 P. M.
