
Wrestlers Called Out Today

All candidates for the University Wrestling team are asked to report it the Hemenway Gymnasium today at four o'clock. Men are needed for all weights, from 115 pounds to the heavy-weight class.

The team has prospects of a very successful season as five of the seven members of last year's University team and the entire 1922 squad are available. The University mat men who have returned are: C. S. Gardner '21, G. Baker '20, C. P. Smith '21, Captain J. A. MacDonald '21, C. P. Anderson '20, and E. V. Parsonnet '21. Among the promising candidates from last year's Freshman team are included J. F. Brown '22, G. V. Smith '22, E. D. Weatherhead '22 and C. C. Macomber '22.

At one o'clock today candidates for second assistant manager of the University team and manager of the 1923 team will report at Randolph 24 where the competition will be outlined to them. Only Sophomores are eligible to try for the second assistant managership, the successful candidates automatically becoming manager in his Senior year. The Freshman who succeeds in the 1923 Competition will be awarded numerals and will make the trips with the team.
