

University Men May Attend Meeting Tomorrow Evening in B. A. A.

Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the B. A. A., the Boston Chapter of the American Officers of the Great War will form their permanent organization. All ex-officers now at the University are invited to attend this meeting whether or not they intend to join.

The first meeting of the Boston Chapter was held a short time ago and a temporary organization was effected with the election of the following officers: Lt.-Col. Herbert A. Gidney, chairman; Major Charles R. Cabot, secretary; Dr. James A. Keown '94, chairman of the publicity committee; and Guy Emerson '08, chairman of the membership committee.

All Officers Are Eligible

The organization is strictly non-partizan in so far as politics are concerned, but it expects to take a leading role in the reconstruction program of the country. Eligibility for membership does not depend on length of service or the capacity in which the service was performed. Officers of every rank are admitted on the same footing and have equal voice in the conduct of the affairs of the society.

The governing body of the national organization is known as the general staff of the society, and its national head-quarters are at Detroit, Mich. Members of the University may obtain further information regarding the society from H. B. Esselen '18, D 24 Gore Hall, who has been elected to the membership committee of the organization.
