

College-Made Utopias.

"When the theorists mix in, they usually make a mess of it." This sentence is drawn from a booklet on "College-Made Utopias and Labor Unrest," which Dorr A. Felt, president of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association, has been impelled to write.

The problems of humans are attacked by those who leave out of consideration the behavior of humans. It is utterly unscientific. It is trying to place in the realm of pure thought problems which have little pure thought in them. Sociology is a branch of learning not open to metaphysics, but calls as much for a careful observation of facts as a physical science.

Not in hostility to truth, but in hearty friendship, therefore, some of the endowments might well be devoted to educating the educated, or rather the miseducated. Why not make it a condition to holding the degree of S. D. (doctor of sociology) that the candidate have clinical experience as an employer and as a member of some labor union-not as make-believe nor as a settlement worker, but as charged with the responsibility of making a business undertaking carry itself or of accommodating life to strict labor union rules? NEW YORK TRIBUNE
