

Second Team of Orators on Account of Many Candidates is Idea of Debating Council.

A debate with Dartmouth December 5, and a second team debate on the same evening, are the two innovations on the new program of the Debating Council which was recently approved by the Faculty. The Dartmouth debate, between two sets of teams, is to be held here and at Hanover. The second team debate will be held on the same subject and at the same time with a team to be announced later. For the Freshman team early season debates with preparatory schools are being arranged.

The regular triangular debates will be held this year immediately before the April recess, while the Freshman triangulars will take place the last of February.

This makes the most comprehensive debating schedule that has yet been arranged. The reason given by the Debating Council for these extra debates is that they wish to give every man who comes out an opportunity to have some practical experience. The unusually large number of men who have reported for debating this fall has made it necessary to extend the usual program in order to fulfill this purpose.
