
Two Freshman Crews Stay on River

Owing to the heavy wind the University crews did not row yesterday, but hereafter A, B, and C will be on the river regularly as long as the weather permits outdoor rowing. From present indications this will mean about two weeks more practice for the crews that are still rowing.

At a meeting of the Freshman squad yesterday it was decided which men would continue work this fall. W. Davis 21, crew captain, and Coach Haines addressed the meeting and chose the 18 men who will represent the Freshman class.

The line-up of the 1923 eights which remain is as follows: A Stroke., Ohl; 7. Fahnestock: 6. Burgess: 5. Bradford: 1. Morgan: 3. Wister: 2. Forbes: bow, Wigglesworth: cox., Badger.

B. Stroke, Woods: 7. Norton: 6. Westengard: 5. Collier: 4. Brander: 3. Mendoza: 2. Williams: bow, Rathbun: cox., Reidy.
