

Seniors Only Crew to Finish in Interclass Race Yesterday Afternoon in Basin

In the class races yesterday afternoon two of the three crews which took part met with mishap before they had covered 50 yards of the course. Both the Junior and Sophomore eights swamped in the rough water of the Basin, leaving the Senior crew the winner because it was the only one to cross the line.

Contrary to the usual rule, the race was rowed upstream instead of down, as the coaches considered it impossible for the crews to row into the gale that was blowing. At 5 o'clock, when the race started, it was almost entirely dark, and the crews could scarcely be distinguished.

The Junior eight was the first to swamp, and they were forced to head for shore early in the race, but before they had gone another ten yards the shell disappeared under the water. All the men reached the B. A. A. Boat Club safely.

Shortly afterwards the Sophomore boat sank, leaving the Senior crew the only one afloat. Luckily the steam launch was close by the Sophomores as they went went down and picked up all the men. Both boats were towed in to the B. A. A. float and left there for the night.

Coach Brown, who was in charge of the race, has decided to cancel the result because of the unusual circumstances under which it was rowed. Since this race marked the end of the season for the class crews, it will not be rowed off again this fall.


Earlier in the afternoon Gore Hall easily triumphed over its rivals in the triangular championship Freshman dormitory race. Standish came in second with Smith a scant quarter of a length behind.
