

Hats off to Lampy. Our worthy colleague has performed the impossible; it has made even more popular than usual that feature of every properly appointed household--the Cosmopolitan. From the delicate and tactful "take-off" on the late lamented Ella Wheeler Wilcox to the masterpiece of cartoonist art entitled "Woodruina" Lampy scores a decisive victory in the realm of humor. Of all forms of wit burlesque is perhaps the hardest to carry off. Nine times out of ten it falls flat simply because it is overdone. But the editors of the Lampoon knew when to stop, and therein lies their virtue. We understand that this number of the Lampoon is expected to have the greatest sale on record for any college magazine which will number at the end of its second edition twenty-five thousand copies. This speaks very well for the literary ability and business foresight of those in charge.

Statesmen may deplore the evils of the times; bolsheviks may at any moment tear society asunder; thirsty lips may forever be parched. But if all these disasters do not destroy the spark of humor in mankind, then life will be worth living after all.
