


All members of the University are invited to a Red Cross mass meeting to be held in the New Lecture Hall tonight at 8 o'clock, where Colonel John Van Schaick, Jr., will be the principal speaker. Colonel Van Schaick represented the Rockefeller Foundation War Relief Commission in Holland, and was later engaged in Belgian relief work and Red Cross activities in France, Italy and Belgium.

This meeting is preliminary to the Red Cross drive in the University which starts tomorrow. An effort will be made to reach every member of the University, so that as large a subscription as possible may be secured for the Third Red Cross Roll Call.

Goal Set at $15,000,000.

The objects of this year's drive include the renewal of present memberships and the enrolling of new members, so that $15,000,000 may be raised with which to make good the Red Cross pledges to devastated countries, to maintain a state of preparedness at home against epidemics and disasters, and to aid in the projected constructive health program.

The national quota of $15,000,000 is less than 10 per cent. of the Red Cross 1919 war fund, which was $170,000,000. The quota of Metropolitan Boston is $500,000 and 300,000 one-dollar members.


Four Teams of Canvassers.

For the canvassing of the University four teams have been organized under G. S. Baldwin, Jr., '21. These teams will meet tonight at 7.30 o'clock in the CRIMSON Building, and are listed as follows:

Team A: E. L. Bigelow '21, captain; C. C. Adams '21, F. Beidler '21, W. Davis '21, M. P. Davis '21, W. V. M. Fawcett '21, G. Foster '21, R. W. Gratwick '21, J. N. White '21, J. G. Allen '22, C. W. Baeker '22, H. Brown '22, R. T. Butterfield '23, H. C. Cabot '22, H. F. Colt '22, O. H. Coolidge '22.

Team B: John Sise '21, captain; A. E. Chambers '21, H. C. Brown '21, F. H. Cummings '21, O. Hooker, Jr., '21, A. King '21, E. E. Long '21, J. A. Lowell '21, G. M. Appleton '22, J. T. Bradlee '22, J. M. Martin '22, D. D. Miller '22, G. S. Morse '22, S. S. Rogers '22, P. L. Romaine '22, J. L. McLane, Jr., '22.

Team C: G. C. Lee '21, captain; W. De Ford '21, A. McElwain '21, W. J. Means '21, A. L. Mills, Jr., '21, T. H. Mills '21, D. H. Morris '21, J. M. Plummer '21, G. B. Perry '22, W. B. Rice '22, H. S. Howard '22, P. L. Saltonstall, Jr., '22, H. Seabury '22, A. M. Wrenn '22, R. S. Whitney, Jr., '22, J. W. Watson '22.

Team D: John Cowles '21, captain; J. Shepley '21, W. Slade, Jr., '21, N. Thayer '21, W. M. Rodewald '21, N. Thayer '21, W. M. Rodewald '21, L. H. Heckscher '22, R. H. Sagendorph '22, W. B. Stearns, Jr., '22, F. Cromwell '22, W. W. Douglass '22, H. Elliott, Jr., '22, J. B. Fleming '22, R. Emerson '22, K. P. Groener '22, L. A. Hallock '22, L. B. La Farge '22
