

Registration is Above That of Last Year But Full Complement not Yet Reached.

At present there are over thirteen hundred registrants for the University Extension Courses given in Boston by members of the teaching staff of the University and of other local colleges and universities. In spite of the increase over last year's total of 1184, however, it is pointed out by the University Extension Commission that registration is still far from complete.

Students are still registering for all but the language courses, though only a few have signed up so far for the second half-year which is expected to begin in February with a record enrollment. The exact enrollment for the first half-year stands at 1309.

English Courses Most Popular.

The most popular course so far is the one in Elementary English Composition given by Mr. F. W. C. Hersey '99, a total of 182 being enrolled in this class. A course in English literature on "The Life, Works, and Time of Sir Walter Scott," given by Professor Charles T. Copeland '82, has an enrollment of 158. Other courses given by members of the Faculty include one on French History and Civilization, given by Dean Charles H. Haskins, which has 64 members; Professor T. N. Carver has 76 men and women in his course on Programs of Social Reconstruction," and H. W. Holmes '03 has 50 students in his course on "Teaching in the Public Schools."
