

Gore's Defeat at Their Hands by 4-0 on Friday Clinches Title.

Smith Halls' Tennis team won the championship of the Freshman dormitories by defeating the Gore Hall team 4-0 Friday. In winning the championship it was necessary to defeat each of the other halls twice.

The results of Friday's matches are as follows: A. Knox defeated R. W. Hoskins, 6-8, 6-4; S. C. Badger defeated J. M. Cabot, 6-4, 6-2; M. P. Lichanco defeated J. Wyman, 6-4, 6-3; M. Duane won from G. F. Warburg by default.

In G. C. Guild, A. Knox and M. Duane, Smith Halls have three important aspirants for the Freshman team in the spring. R. W. Hoskins and G. F. Warburg from Gore and J. D. Farnham from Standish are other likely racquet wielders for the yearling squad.
